Friday, April 9, 2010

The Voice of Psalms

The Voice of Psalms contains all 150 Psalms retold by the Friends of Ecclesia Bible Society. Short devotional readings accompany some of the Psalms throughout the book. The Voice translation is very easy to read. I doubt it is completely accurate word for word, but for someone who needs a fresh start with the Psalms or even the Bible, this would be a great book to have.

The appearance of the book's pages was one of my favorite things about the book. The pages actually have some color texture to them, which for me made it more interesting and appealing to read. I also appreciated the accompanying devotionals, written by Karen Moore and James F. Couch, Jr.

The only thing I didn't like about the book was the layout of the Psalms and devotional readings. At times, it was confusing as to which devotional belonged where. Also, the devotional entries often started in the middle of the Psalm and the end of it would be placed after the end of the Psalm.

All in all, I enjoyed the book and would recommend it to anyone!

1 comment:

  1. I do love Psalms it is beautiful. I enjoy reading this book so much!!! But I really have never herd of the Voice Translation!!
